Instructions for authors
Publication and review process:
After receiving the paper, the editors assess the technical condition and completeness of the manuscript. After its acceptance, the paper goes trough the review procedure and is assessed by two reviewers who are selected on the basis of qualification for the topic. Reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers (double-blind peer review). The contribution of the paper, methodology, argumentation, completeness of bibliography, language, images, conciseness of the abstract, keywords and summary are evaluated. The author will be informed about the result of the review process. If there are objections, the author must address them within three weeks. If the author does not deliver the proofreading within the specified period, the editors are not obliged to accept it. In disputable cases, the author has the right to dispute the objections. Subsequently, if the editorial board accept the paper for publication, the author will receive his paper with translations for the final content control. In the next step the paper goes for graphic processing, after which the author receives the paper for the final formal proofreading, in which only small adjustments can be incorporated. Each author will receive an electronic version of the paper. Contributions are not paid. The duties and responsibilities of all parties involved in the review process are set out in the Responsibilities and copyright section.
Manuscript submission:
- the deadline for submission is 31st May each year
- the paper is submitted in electronic form
- upload format: one text file and image attachments
- files must be marked with the author’s last name and content specification
- handover address:
- at the same time we recommend using also the secondary address
- we recommend using a transfer service to send a larger amount of data
Paper language and translations:
- the journal accepts papers in the language of the authors or in world languages
- the editors will provide translations from their own resources
- own translations are also welcome (in this case it is necessary to state the author of translation)
- the abstract and keywords will be translated into English
- the summary will be translated into one of the world’s languages, as decided by the editors, usually German
- the texts for the images will be translated into the same language as the summary
- in case of a paper in a world language, it is possible to publish a summary in addition to the Slovak language, also in the author’s national language
- the printed version will be published in color to the extent decided by the editors
- the electronic version of the paper is identical to the printed version
Article review:
- in addition to scientific works, the journal publishes also article reviews
- the review must contain complete bibliographic data and a color scan of the cover of the reviewed work
The paper has to be submitted in the following structure and formatting:
Information for the editorial office:
- special requirements addressed to the editors please insert at the beginning of the text and highlight them in red
Paper title:
- format in standard letters (not capital letters)
- align to center
- information about the project, resp. grant scheme under which the paper was done should be placed in a footnote to the title of the article (a possible personal thank-you note can also be stated here in a separate paragraph)
Author’s name:
- full names of the authors (not capital letters)
- align to center
- separate the names of several authors with a long hyphen and spaces (eg Ján Novák – Hana Nováková)
- please indicate in the following order: geographical, chronological and thematic specification of the paper
- a maximum of 10 sentences
- submit the paper in text format
- align text to both edges
- use font Times New Roman, size: 12 p
- 1.5 line spacing of text
- indent the beginning of the paragraph (1 x Tab = 1.25 cm) with the exception of the first paragraph in a chapter
- use Enter only at the end of paragraphs
- use spaces (blank lines) only between the end of a paragraph and the title of the next chapter
- align chapter headings to the left (without indentation) and use bold highlight
- always use standard numbering of chapters and subchapters (eg 1., 1.1, 1.1.1)
- the scope of the whole paper, including the bibliography, is a maximum of 40 standard pages (i.e. 72,000 strokes also with spaces), resp. exceptionally, its possible to agree with the editors on another scope
- footnotes can only be used in cases of necessity, for text that would disrupt the flow of information
- insert footnotes using a text editor
- special characters and letters in the text must be highlighted in yellow (eg æ, Ø)
Bibliography and citation:
- use citation and notation of literature, with the exceptions listed below, according to: Instructions for Editing Manuscripts, Nitra 2018
- use Harvard citation system (eg Novák 2000, 1–3, fig. 1: 1)
- abbreviations of image attachments, etc. have to be to stated in the authentic form of the cited work (eg obr., Abb., Fig.)
- range of pages, etc. is indicated with a long hyphen without spaces (eg 1–2)
- state the names of periodicals in the bibliography in an unabridged and authentic form (eg Zborník Slovenského národného múzea 113 Archeológia 29, 2019, …)
- use exclusively Arabic numerals for the numbering of years and volumes of periodicals
- when quoting non-periodical proceedings, do not include the place and date of the conference, or any dedications
- examples:
- monograph:
- Novák 1989 – J. Novák: Od paleolitu po stredovek. Bratislava 1989.
- nonperiodical proceedings:
- Novák 1997 – J. Novák: Sídliskové objekty z doby rímskej na Považí. In: M. Nový (ed.): Materiály z konferencie o dobe rímskej na Považí. Trenčín 1997, 114–156.
- periodical:
- Novák 1985 – J. Novák: Predbežná správa o prvej etape výskumu v Leviciach. Archeologické rozhledy 37/2, 1985, 666–672.
- encyclopedic work:
- Súpis 1968 – Súpis pamiatok na Slovensku. 2. Bratislava 1968.
- edition of sources:
- CDES 1971 – R. Marsina: Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris Slovaciae I. Bratislava 1971.
- manuscripts and archive materials:
- Záruba 2012 – F. Záruba: Hradní kaple v Čechách. Dizertačná práca. Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Praha 2012.
- Haviarová/Haviar 2012 – M. Haviarová/T. Haviar: Architektonicko-historický a umelecko-historický výskum rímskokatolíckeho Kostola sv. Egídia. Rukopis výskumnej správy 2012. Uložené: Archív Krajského pamiatkového úradu v Banskej Bystrici, inv. č. V123.
- internet resource (example):
- Encyklopedie dějin města Brna –, cit. 10. 4. 2009.
- a maximum range of 15% of the text
- should be a compact, but at the same time a full-fledged version of the article
- should follow the content structure of the paper
- if it follows from the context, it should also contain references to literature and pictures
- when formulating summary, take into account that the text is intended for translation
- we recommend that you do not use long sentences and low-frequency non-standard terms
Contact to author:
- title, name and surname, full workplace address, email, ORCID code (if it exists)
- format with italics, title, name and surname also with bold
- do not insert images into text editor but submit them separately
- copyright to all images must be settled
- the source of the images must be stated (citation or institution archive)
- the authors of the original photographs, drawings, plans, maps should be stated in the image description
- the editors reserve the right to adjust the images according to the needs of the journal
- we recommend to mark all images (pictures, photos, maps) uniformly as a picture (Fig., Abb.)
- use the designation “table” (tab.) only with roman numbering for full-page images, which will be placed at the end of the paper
- do not write image descriptions into the illustrations, use only numerical (1, 2, 3...) or alphabetical designations (a, b, c...)
- include a list of image descriptions at the end of the paper and name the images in accordance with the list (eg Fig. 1)
- image description should contain: type of illustration, its number, geographical designation, affiliation of the find to its context, legend, scale, author)
- place and number the images according to how they are gradually mentioned in the text
- determine the location of the images in the text by inserting a separate line with the highlighted (yellow) text: “place the Fig. 1 here”
- mirror for full-page tables is 162 x 237 mm (counts with description for 4 lines)
- recommended alternative mirror widths: a) full side (162 mm), b) 2/3 sides (108 mm), c) 1/2 side (81 mm)
- deliver images (pictures, tables) without framing
- we recommend using colour images in mode 32-bit CMYK palette
- we recommend using the TIF format for bitmap images, but other standard formats are also accepted
- bitmap image resolution: we recommend 600 dpi (especially drawings), at least 300 dpi
- it is also possible to submit images in vector formats
- for vector graphics, the line thickness must not be less than 0.25 b
- use a graphic scale for maps, plans, drawings (only one type of scale)
- submit data tables in the source format (.xls or text file)
- the tables must be formatted in such a way as to respect the mirror of the journal (max. 162 x 237 mm)
- we recommend displaying the size of artefacts such as ceramics, stone industry, etc. in 50% size
- we recommend displaying small objects in a scale of 1:1, resp. increased if necessary
- to number the figures in the images use the journal font Minion Pro in an appropriate size for the image
- please pay attention to the cleanness of illustrations
Manuscript editing – some examples:
Long hyphen
- Pages: 1–2 (do not use 1n, 1nn)
- Years: 70–40 BC, 1936–1945, 10–12. century
- World directions: N–S
- Dimensions: 1.3–2.4 cm
- Location: Nitra – Mostná street (if its a non-official place name or a location name)
Short hyphen
- Citation: Němejcová-Pavúková
- Place: Nitra-Mlynárce (if its an official part of the municipality)
Dash / dot
- 15,5 (in Slovak text)
- 15.5 (in English text)
Lowercase / uppercase letters in English keywords
- Keywords: Ludanice Group, Bronze Age, settlement, pits
Various examples
- Fig. 6: 4; 5: 1–2
- 1.4 x 1.5 cm
- 87 g
The editorial office of Zborník Slovenského národného múzea Archeológia is looking forward to your papers!
PhDr. Juraj Bartík, PhD. (head of editorial board),
Mgr. Martin Hanuš, PhD. (editor)